About Us
Not all Accountants are the same;
We are a Chartered Accounting firm like few others.
We are an incredibly efficient Taupo based CA firm who look after clients throughout New Zealand.
We excel at:
- Financial problem solving
- Eliminating taxation and financial surprises
- Helping people improve their position and protect their assets
- Minimising taxation exposure
- Providing practical solutions to financial problems
We are extremely good at what we do.
If you require an accountant who will monitor your trading results, talk to you on a regular basis, and eliminate surprises, then please get in touch.
Free Financial Health Checks 
If you would like reassurance that your financial and taxation affairs are in order, that you are operating your business under the best possible structure to protect your assets, and that you are being looked after in the best possible way, then we invite you to contact us. We will be happy to undertake a ‘Health Check’ of your affairs absolutely free of charge and without any obligation. We hate seeing people get surprises.

Accounting & Business Advice

Asset Protection & Restructuring

Budgeting & Cashflow Forecasting

Business Evaluations & Due Diligence

Buying & Selling

Estate & Succession Planning

Financing & Leasing

General Enquiries

Innovation & Advisory

Software Advice & System Establishment

Trusts & Companies

Taxation Planning & Services
Sectors of Involvement

Business Start-up

Contruction & Engineering

Farming & Agriculture

Food & Beverage

Forestry & Logging

Hospitality & Tourism

New to New Zealand



Small Business
